Two Week Fitness Plan

After you have justified your goal and are ready to start working towards it you will need to create a fitness plan. Include the basics of an exercise program: warm-up, exercise, cool down. Below I have created a two-week fitness plan which uses the F.I.T (Frequency, Intensity, and Time) Formula to create an accurate workout that will help you reach your goal. Keep in mind that it is also important to create a workout plan with the components of overload, progression, & specificity. 

Overload, progression, & specificity are all very important factors that will effect the amount of progress you make towards your goal. Without specificity you may never actually be improving what you want to improve because you aren't focusing on the specific muscles or fitness components. Overload is important because if you don't push your body you will not increase your abilities they will stay the same. Lastly, you need progression to make sure you continue to improve because your body's overload level will change as your abilities improve and increase.

Another important factor to make sure you include within your plan is at least 20 minutes of aerobic activity at least 3 days a week. Aerobic activity is: when you conduct vigorous activity in which oxygen is continuously taken  in for a period of at least 20 minutes. Aerobic activities help make your heart stronger and more efficient. They also use more calories that other activities. 

Within my personalized fitness plan below, I have inputed a variety of exercises. I including swimming, dancing, weights, push-ups, sit-ups, yoga and jogging. The reason why I wanted a variety was because I am focusing on ALL the fitness component so it is important that I have an exercise routine that will benefit ALL of them. You may notice that throughout the two weeks some components are meshed together while days it is specific to only one fitness component. For example, Day 6 is specifically focusing on flexibility, while day Day 4 focuses on both cardio-respirotory endurance and muscular endurance. 

Click on the image above to enlarge.

Below in Week 2, you will notice some changes is the quantity and intensity of some of the workouts. That is my progression that I will use to make sure I continue to push myself and improve.

Click on the image above to enlarge.