Fitness SMART Goal

Once you make the choice to become physically healthy the first step to take is to create a fitness SMART goal. Your goal can be either a short-term goal or a long-term goal. Just keep in mind that a long-term goal may incorporate some short-term goals to help reach it. Now, to start off you will need to know what the acronym SMART in SMART goal means.

     S -  Specific
     M-  Measurable 
     A-  Achievable
     R-  Relevan
     T-  Time-Bound

A SMART goal you may use for your fitness plan to improve your physical health might be:

I will improve my overall health by having vigorous workouts on different fitness components, and improving my BMI, I will achieve this goal by the end of six months.

This goal is focusing on ALL of the fitness components (Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, and Flexibility.), but you may to choose to only focus on one or two fitness components. 

You also need a reason for your goal. My reason for the goal listed above would be that I used to be a very active volleyball player and when I stopped playing, I slowly became unfit. I have noticed that my performance level in physical testing has decreased dramatically and that I have gained unneeded weight. For example, when I took a class Fitness Test, the resulted showed that I could not do pull-ups, which I was great at 2-3 years ago. Also, I used to be able to do 45-50 sit-ups in one minute, but the results of my most recent Fitness Test show that I was only able to do 38 sit-ups in one minute. Another example would be, that I was unable to do regular push-ups, instead I performed modified push-ups, even though I used to be able to do 10-15 regular push-ups. These test results show the change in my Physical Fitness Level over a period of which I was not as active as I was supposed to be. Not being physically fit has also made me feel insecure about my appearance and it has been a emotional & social obstacle for me to overcome.

Hopefully after I achieve my goal, I will be able to tryout and make a club volleyball team.